Tradition, Truth, and Tomorrow

Kuki Designs
4 min readApr 30, 2021
Illustration by RawPixel on Freepik

Moving on is easy. It is what you are leaving behind matters. We all are going to leave behind a city for us to live in and also the future generations to come. Imagine a city of the future. No one is sure or aware of what the future holds for us. But do we visualize clean surroundings, cars flying while robots doing the work? If we look at the present condition of the world, the cities are overpopulated, crowded, and polluted. The reason for all of this may be because of migration. Many other people are attracted by the opportunities available in cities. This can be the reason why more than half of the population lives in cities. Cities have the centers and collections of enterprise and innovation. Researchers predict that around 75% of the people will be living in the cities by 2050. But exactly the cities will be by that time? The time is ripe as the clock is ticking

I believe it is time for us to design our future smart societies. But, we have to keep in mind that the future cities should attain the balance and satisfy the needs of every growing population and the current people who have been living in cities for years and decades.

I dream of the world in green color!

It is a fact that the present and the past cities have been shaped by people according to their timely needs, then the cities of the future must be shaped by ideas. One of the ideas is that smarter equals greener. Sustainable cities would be carbon-neutral cities. With the electric vehicles coming up and people valuing the car-pooling services, I believe that the quality of the environment and air will improve. We will be able to open our windows and breathe in natural air. Visions of the green city may include skyscrapers where the residential and commercial spaces can have green roofs and vegetable gardens. I have a strong need for such greenification. I dream of the world in green color! 😃

Emotion-centric data and artificial intelligence may have the answer for this. How if we put all the data about a city’s performance at one place where others can also have a view; suggest, learn or adapt a thoughtful activity. This will also help cities and nations and ultimately mankind to work in efficient collaboration. Internet of things could help us get into sustainable developments with some unbelievable assistance. Human-centered and with technical help can create smart, green, and livable cities.

The power must lie with the citizens. The designs and ideas of the cities will revolve around the people. There might be some communication gap between what people want and truly need and what companies what to sell, but it will eventually all come to a sweet balance. Art will come into the picture. People will start responding and there will be social, cultural, and behavioral progress. A happy society will start emerging! The city and urban landscape planning or reshaping will have a powerful effect on how we live and let live people in the future of the world.

Cities will have something for everyone when made with help everybody keeping in mind inclusivity.

In the city of the future, moral education will get its due attention and provide children with the latest knowledge and techniques in the field of their interest. Everyone will live in harmony and peace; different religions, castes, cultures will learn and enrich themselves with help of each other by respecting the differences. The cultural centers will be open to all to share ideas, meet different people and learn about a specific culture. Artistic things will be given prominent importance, museums will be enriched. Theatre, dance, music, and literature will be embedded into the city for further expression. In my vision of the city of tomorrow, people will live and work in harmony. Rationality, kindness, and humanity will be celebrated. Hate and prejudice will remain things taught in history. The city will be clean, safe, efficient, multicultural, and built on an exchange of ideas. Imagine all the people living life in peace

The future cities will have people’s decisions and the government’s participation rather than the government’s decision and people’s participation

I remember John Lennon’s words — “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join me, and the world will be like one”

I am aware that future cities cannot solve the current challenges being faced. But the cities should not ignore the current situation and start from zero. I am not dreaming of a city that is an ideal or perfect scenario that is free of problems. I believe future cities are keeping in mind the mistakes done and learning from them and definitely not repeating them. The aim or agenda of the future cities can be solving the current urban social problems. This can lead to rational development. Designers, architects, city planners can be practically advised on what all needs to be taken into consideration for the dream of futuristic logical smart urban living.

I wish that I’m heading towards a place of great positive enthusiasm, where I can work collaboratively, meet new friends, enjoy various cultural activities, and get mesmerized looking at man-made wonders. If a city could be designed for the enjoyment of life, rather than for the unpleasant but necessary activities involved in earning a living, what would that city life be like?

As cities go, so goes the planet! 🌎

This article won the essay competition under the ‘City of Tomorrow’ category organized by FORD during a TED event’ 2017

My views are based on my experiences with people, reading various articles, watching videos, listening to podcasts and interactions with the lovely humans

